Planned results
For the Outputs, we need at least the stack output, as we use this to detect TOD sources (eg for SLOAD and BALANCE). We don't include the call related data as these always reflect the inputs.
At each instruction, we keep track which inputs it uses and which outputs it produces. The values it uses stores information, about which instruction lastly outputted it without modifying its value (eg a CALL passing memory data to calldata) and which instruction lastly modified its value (eg an ADD summing two inputs to a new output value).
This helps us to track the information flow at a byte level, rather than grouping the values together per instruction. For instance, if a CALL takes multiple input parameters from the memory, the parameters will be composed of their own values with their own touched_by
and modified_by
fields. A tokenAmount
would trace back to a different modifying instruction, than a token
parameter in the same call.
Planned parsing process
To create the instruction, we need:
- instruction metadata (opcode, name, pc)
- access to storages to create input StorageAccessSets
- access to the stack after the instruction for some output StorageWrites (for the others, the storage access is enough, eg current memory + stack)
- call_context to link it for later analysis
Information Flow
To understand which instruction influenced the inputs of another instruction, we keep track which instructions modified a storage value. We keep track of the last instruction that modified the value. For instance, an ADD instruction will output a StorageValue with modified_by == ADD
. However, a swap afterwards will only update the touched_by
, the modified_by
will continue to be the ADD instruction.
Information Flow backtracking: From the instruction inputs, find the instructions that have written these input values. Recursively continue from these instructions' inputs.
Start: instruction sink
let instruction = instruction_sink
let depends_on = set()
let next_inputs = instruction.inputs
while next_inputs {
let inputs = next_inputs
next_inputs = []
for input in inputs {
for storage_access in input.storage_access_set {
let instr = storage_access.modified_by
Traces input
As inputs we take the execution traces from the transactions. These are based on the non-finalized EIP-3155 EVM trace specification.
We require the "pc", "op", "stack" and "depth" fields. For better instruction input and output analysis, the "memory" field should also be present, eg to identify the CALL and LOG inputs.
Here is an example trace for an SLOAD instruction:
"pc": 1157,
"op": 84,
"gas": "0x1f7b1",
"gasCost": "0x834",
"stack": [
"memory": "0x00..080",
"depth": 2,
"returnData": "0x",
"refund": "0x0",
"memSize": "96",
"opName": "SLOAD"
Map each JSON to a TraceEvent
This step simply maps a trace event from JSON to a python class (TraceEvent
Currently this is only implemented for traces generated with REVM (based on EIP-3155). However, new implementations could map other traces formats to TraceEvent
, as long as the necessary information is included in the trace.
Parse Instruction
s and the CallTree
Here, we parse the instructions and keep track in which contract they were executed.
We start the process with an initial CallContext
, which stores who created the transaction and which contract/EOA is called.
Then we iterate through the TraceEvent
s, always looking at two successive TraceEvent
s. Based on these events we create an Instruction
object, which specifies the EVM instruction, its inputs and also its outputs. For some instructions the call context is important, so we link the current CallContext
to the instruction. For instance, an SLOAD
instruction loads the data from the current contracts storage.
If we encounter a call instruction (CALL
) we create a new CallContext
. On a STOP
we mark the current one as reverted and go back to the previous CallContext
. If the depth of the next event is one lower than the current one, we assume an exceptional halt and also revert the current transaction. If the depth of the next event is unexpected, we throw an UnexpectedDepthChange
The Instruction
- opcode
- name (mnemonic for opcode)
- program_counter
- call_context
- stack_inputs
- stack_outputs
- memory_input
- memory_output
- data (additional fields based on the instruction type, eg